Just in Time
Posted in Tags: Bible, Bible, Christianity, Esther, God, Old Testament, Poem, Poetry, Salvation Christian Life, Poetry
A King’s call rings out
Many are called, only one is chosen
Just a girl, an immigrant, a refugee
Chosen to be special, chosen to be queenHatred grows for a people
A command is given, a time chosen
Just a man, sitting at the gate
Watching, listening, actingWeeping is heard across the land
A people without power, without influence
Just a girl, become a queen, but condemned
A fate for one, the fate of allA law stands immovable
To enter unbidden, could be the end
Courage gathered, Prayers lifted
Just a moment, a second, on which all dependsA scepter of grace extended
The plot thickens, a petition made
Just a meal, with an instant, and a plea
The truth unveiled, the hatred revealedA furious king stands in silence
No mercy for evil, it hangs alone
A people with a chance, with a hope
Just a day, with the king, on their sideSalvation comes just in time
A simple plan, perfected by His hand
Just a girl, a refugee, who became a queen
Ready for her moment, to serve the King
Posted in Tags: Bible, Bible, Christianity, Esther, God, Old Testament, Poem, Poetry, Salvation Christian Life, Poetry
Originally published at http://seeinggodclearly.com on August 29, 2022.