Heavy Hearts Abound
The world is full of strife and anger
Clashing spirits, sometimes danger
We look without and find conflict brewing
We withdraw within and begin our stewingFormer friends are now far removed
Memories lost as reality, soothed
We turn away and walk out of the room
A closing door will mark our doomNow we sit alone surrounded by a wall
Divisions created growing ever tall
Fuel for this separation is ever present
Screens before us ever aid our descentIt is not good for man to be alone...
Is a verse for marriage, but also for home
A house divided cannot stand
We should join together, join the bandCan the damage be undone?
A divided many become one?
The world will tell you it cannot be
The truth is, it is impossible for you and meOur hope is not in governments, policies or the words of man
The only hope is in Jesus, and in His truths we must stand
Originally published at http://seeinggodclearly.wordpress.com on July 23, 2021.